The Wisconsin Retirement System trust funds are invested by the State of Wisconsin Investment BoardThe effect of investment returns on the benefits of WRS members is based on the rate of return as of Dec. 31. Once performance numbers are final, SWIB reports calendar year-to-date returns. Reporting usually takes about four weeks because privately traded investments, such as business loans, real estate and private equity, are not available until four weeks after the close of the month.

WRS Investment Performance*

Calendar year-to-date as of May 31, 2024. Calendar year-to-date and 5-year performance is net of all fees and costs. Ten-year performance is net of external manager fees.

 Calendar YTD5-Year10-Year
Core Fund3.81%8.49%7.00%
Core Fund Benchmark3.15%7.79%6.53%
Variable Fund9.46%12.64%9.81%
Variable Fund Benchmark8.95%12.71%9.81% 

*Returns and benchmarks are subject to final valuation and adjustments that may occur during the calendar year. 

Value of WRS Assets Under Management

Calendar year-to-date as of May 31, 2024.

Core Fund$125.4 billion 
Variable Fund$10.4 billion 
Total$135.8 billion