7 min

Not sure where to start when deciding on a health plan? This video will walk you through the first step: choosing a plan design. The video shows the key differences between your options. The case studies below show how different plan designs would affect a participant’s budget over 3 years. The video and resources apply to state and UW employees.

Case Studies

  • Dave age 27, single, no children
  • Lily married with two young children
  • Anthony married and nearing retirement with no covered dependents
  • Kristin mom with college-age daughter who needs regular out-of-network services
Disclaimer: The case studies are for educational purposes. This information is not meant as advice but to show how the plan designs and benefits work together. The health care and prescription drug costs are estimates. Estimates are accurate as of the 2025 plan year. Benefits are subject to change. If you have questions, please contact your employer benefits specialist.