
2019 Act 154 requires the Department of Health Services (DHS) in consultation with ETF, to develop and implement a plan to reduce the incidence of diabetes in Wisconsin, improve diabetes care, and control complications associated with diabetes. DHS may also consult with the Department of Public Instruction and Department of Corrections in the development of the plan.

DHS must submit a biennial report to the Legislature (first report by January 1, 2021) that includes:

  • An assessment of the financial implications of diabetes upon DHS, the state and localities.
  • An assessment of the benefits of implementing programs and activities to control diabetes.
  • A description of the level of coordination existing within DHS and between DHS and other entities and organizations on activities and communication relating to diabetes.
  • The development or revision of a detailed action plan with a range of actionable items for the Legislature to consider.
  • A proposed budget for the plan. 




2019 Session - Enacted Into Law


Please contact Tarna Hunter, ETF’s Government Relations Director, if you have any questions.