The Statement of Benefits is a summary of your WRS retirement account available each year in mid-April. It helps you keep information up to date and track the growth of your retirement account. We recommend keeping your statement for future reference. 

You can use information on your statement, along with our WRS Retirement Benefits Calculator, to estimate how much money you will receive in retirement.

Who Receives a Statement

You will receive your annual statement in the mail if you have a WRS account and are a:

  • Current employee working for a WRS employer
  • Former employee who no longer work for a WRS employer
  • Alternate payee (you received an account from a divorce)
  • Retiree who has not taken a benefit from their additional contributions

Note: UW employees will receive their statements electronically through the UW System.

Access Your Statement

Get secure online access to current and past statements through My Benefits. The current year's statement becomes available in mid-April.

You may also request a copy by contacting us.

Review Your Statement

Look over the statement and make sure that your information is correct: contact information, earnings, years of creditable service, employee contributions and beneficiary designations.

See our How to Read Your Statement of Benefits - Active Employee page or How to Read Your Statement of Benefits - Alternate Payee page for more information. 

Update Incorrect Information

If you find incorrect information on your statement, contact your employer or ETF right away. There is a limited time to make corrections.

Who May Not Receive a Statement

If you did not receive a Statement of Benefits, the following may apply:

  • If you took a benefit in the last year, you will not receive a Statement of Benefits for the partial year of earnings and service.
  • You must update your address with ETF before mid-March.