Non-retired members may schedule a benefits counseling appointment with a benefits specialist. Before scheduling an appointment, you must have received a Retirement Benefit Estimates and Application (ET-4301). See the Applying for Retirement page for more information.
To schedule an appointment, please use the convenient appointment scheduling system. Choose from the following appointment types:
- Individual (one-on-one) conducted online
- Individual (one-on-one) conducted in-person at our offices in Madison
- Group (up to 12 participants) conducted online, available during the day and evening
- Group (up to 12 participants) conducted in-person, available statewide
- For a list of scheduled in-person group appointments by location, go to the Events page
If you would like to schedule an appointment with another WRS member to review both accounts, or if you need an interpreter, please contact us.
The typical wait time for appointments is up to six weeks. Group online appointments can often be scheduled sooner.
Talk with a Benefits Specialist
Do you have questions about your Wisconsin Retirement System retirement, health or other benefits? You can talk with a benefits specialist by phone 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CST), Monday-Friday.
Call: 1-877-533-5020
Wisconsin Relay: 711
Our knowledgeable benefits specialists can assist you with most benefits-related matters. If you have a benefits dispute, our Ombudsperson Services staff are here to help.