The Insurance Programs section is a dedicated resource for employers to learn more about insurance offerings. Click on one of the programs below for details and administrative information.

Insurance Administration System (IAS) for Local Employers

A resource to keep local employers informed about the new Insurance Administration System project and the status of the implementation. Local employers can learn about the project, register for upcoming meetings, and view past meeting recordings.

Read More about Insurance Administration System (IAS) for Local Employers

Prospective Local Employers

Is your organization interested in becoming a participating employer in ETF-administered benefit programs? 

Learn How to Become a Participating Employer

myETF Benefits Administrator

The myETF Benefits Administrator (mEBS) Application for Employers allows employers to execute benefits transactions. These include, but are not limited to, viewing and updating individual member health insurance eligibility and demographic data, completing mass employee terminations, adding and deleting a dependent or domestic partner and updating health insurance enrollment data and personal contact information.

MyETF Benefits Administrator