
2021 Act 245 makes the following remedial changes to the WRS and the operation of ETF. The changes clarify current law or codify current practice. These technical changes were proposed by ETF through the Legislature’s law revision process.

  1. Annuity Option – Joint Survivorship
  2. Outdated Qualified Domestic Relations Order Section
  3. Other Governmental Service Purchase – Change “participant” to “participating     employee”
  4. Clarifying that a Member Cannot be Receiving a Disability Annuity and be Considered a Participating Employee
  5. ERA Accounts – Aligning State Statutes with Federal Law
  6. Correct Outdated References to Director of the Office of State Employment Relations
  7. Federal SECURE Act changes to Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) and Required Beginning Date (RBD)





Enacted into law. 


Please contact Tarna Hunter, ETF’s Government Relations Director, if you have any questions.