Eligible Employees

  • State employees, except those who are eligible for the graduate assistant/short term academic staff benefits package and are not in the Wisconsin Retirement System, are eligible to participate in the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and Health Savings Account (HSA).
  • Limited Term Employees (LTEs) who are eligible for the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program.
  • Retirees1 younger than age 65.

Coverage Requirements and Considerations

  • You must be covered by an HDHP and enrolled in the HSA offered by ETF.
  • You cannot have any other health coverage that pays for out-of-pocket health care expenses before you meet your plan deductible (including Medicare).
  • You must notify your human resources/benefits office of any other health coverage when enrolling in, and at any point while enrolled in the HDHP and HSA.
  • In addition:
    • You cannot be enrolled in Medicare Part A or Part B.
    • You cannot be covered by TRICARE, or have accessed your Veterans Administration benefits in the past 90 days (to contribute to an HSA).
      • Exceptions may apply. Members who have VA benefits solely for a service-connected disability can still enroll in the HDHP and HSA benefit option. See the HSA Administration Guide for more details.
    • You cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return (unless it’s your spouse).
    • You (and your spouse) cannot have a Health Care FSA in the same year.

1Retirees enrolled in the HDHP/HSA benefit option must keep the HSA offered by ETF open and active.