ETF is conducting online Wisconsin Retirement System employer training sessions for employers throughout the state. This training is beneficial for both employers new to WRS administration and more experienced WRS employers who would like a refresher.

Session Details

Full day sessions covering the WRS topics listed below will be held from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. with an hour-long lunch break from 12 p.m.-1 p.m. 

Register now

Choose the session you wish to attend, then click on the "Register" button and enter your information including employer name and employer number to complete the registration.

Your registration covers both parts of the full day session. If you are unable to attend the full day, you can still register and attend the parts you choose. 

You may register for more than one session if needed. For example, if you can attend the morning session one day but will need to attend the afternoon session on a different day, please register for both full days and only attend the parts needed.

Topics Covered

  • Employer responsibilities and ETF website navigation
  • WRS eligibility rules and determination
  • Employment category determination
  • Employment of WRS annuitants (rehired annuitants)
  • Reportable earnings and hours
  • Contribution rates and monthly remittance reporting
  • Periodic employee transactions and prior year adjustments