Audited schedules as of, and for the year ended, December 31, 2023 are now available for the following employers:

The information included on the sites linked above can be used by employers to complete their financial statements in accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 68 (GASB 68) and GASB 75 requirements. Each participating employer will need to record its proportionate share of collective Pension or Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) amounts. Employers can find the audited schedules, plan information, schedules specific to their organization, as well as other information on the sites linked above.

The information provided by the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds is intended to provide employers participating in the WRS, Group Life Insurance, and SHICC programs with guidance in accounting and financial reporting matters. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, whether actuarial, accounting, legal, or otherwise. While efforts are made to verify the information, ETF expects employers to work with their auditors to ensure the information is accurate and complete. Employers are solely responsible for accurately presenting their financial statements and related notes within the requirements of GASB.

Employer Schedules with Audit Opinion

These reports include ETF’s independent auditor’s, the State of Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB), unmodified opinion on the Schedule of Employer Allocations, Schedule of Collective OPEB Amounts or Schedule of Collective Pension Amounts and notes to the employer schedules.

Actuarial Reports for GASB Valuations

The actuarial reports completed for the GASB 68 and GASB 75 valuations are included on the pages linked above. These reports include key assumptions used in the valuation and may be useful resources to employers if questions arise related to the valuation.

Employer-Specific Information

Employer specific information for the WRS and retiree life insurance program’s pension/OPEB amounts are available on the sites linked above. Once you access the website, select your employer name and number in the Employer Selection drop down and choose a schedule type in the Employer Schedule drop down. The following employer specific schedules are available:

  • Supplement to Notes to Other Pension/OPEB Information – to be used in conjunction with the Model Financial Statement Notes
  • Schedule of Pension/OPEB Amounts by Employer – to be used in conjunction with the Model Financial Statement Notes
  • RSI Schedule – Employer Contributions
  • RSI Schedule – Employer Proportionate Share Net Pension/OPEB Liability (Asset) 10 year
  • Schedule of Employer Allocations
  • Schedule of Sensitivity of Net Pension/OPEB Liability (Asset) to the Single Discount Rate

Model Financial Statement Notes

This is a template which includes sample language and schedules to be used as a guide by employers participating in the WRS and Group Life Insurance programs in the development of their GASB 68 and GASB 75 note disclosures. Highlighted areas within the template indicate where notes require employer input, or values to be inserted from the Supplement to Notes to Other Pension/OPEB Information, and Schedule of Pension/OPEB Amounts by Employer, located in the employer schedule dropdown section of the website.

We have also included the journal entries at the plan level. Employers will need to take their allocation percentage and multiple it by the amounts shown in the journal entries. Employers who made contributions between the measurement date (December 31, 2023) and the employer’s year-end will also need to record deferred outflows for the contributions.

ETF also published financial reports for the WRS, State Retiree Life Insurance, Local Retiree Life Insurance, and SHICC programs for the calendar year ended December 31, 2023. These reports  include the audited financial statements and related notes for these programs and can be found on the Financial Reports and Statements page of the ETF website.

Contact Information

Please contact ETF at if you have any questions related to the GASB 68 or GASB 75 information provided by ETF.

Questions concerning the LAB’s audit work for the Employer Schedules and WRS, State and Local Retiree Life Insurance, and SHICC programs may be directed to Joe Chrisman, State Auditor, at or 608-266-2818.