Nominations sought for board member: Attn: Milwaukee Public School Teachers. As a member of the Teachers Retirement Board, you'll advocate for educators and their Wisconsin Retirement System pension and other benefits. There's one board member seat to fill. Nominate yourself today! To get started: Download forms at, or Send email to:; Questions? Call Erin at 608-266-0301. Forms due: October 11, 2024. Term begins: May 1, 2025.

The Department of Employee Trust Funds now accepts nominations for an upcoming vacancy on the Teachers Retirement Board representing Milwaukee public school teachers.

The Teachers Retirement Board is one of five Boards of Trustees at ETF and provides advisory roles to the ETF Board.

To be eligible for this election, a candidate must be currently working (not be retired) for a Wisconsin Retirement System employer and be employed in a Milwaukee public school.

The elected candidate will serve a five-year term on the TR Board from May 1, 2025, to May 1, 2030, and will also be automatically appointed to the ETF Board.

Self-nominations are the first step in the election process. Interested candidates can download a nomination packet for this seat. You may also request ETF to send the packet to you by emailing or writing to ETF, Retirement Board Liaison, P.O. Box 7931, Madison, WI 53707-7931.

The following should be received by ETF by Oct. 11, 2024:

  1. Candidate Information Form
  2. Biographical Information (see nomination packet for specifications)
  3. Nominating petitions (scanned copies are acceptable) of at least 25 signatures of non-retired Milwaukee public school teachers
  4. Photo (see nomination packet for specifications)

ETF supports a diverse and inclusive environment for staff and board members and seeks a diverse pool of nominees for board vacancies. People identifying with traditionally underrepresented groups, particularly women, people of color, and persons with disabilities, are encouraged to submit their nominations.