Share new opportunities for your employees to participate in Well Wisconsin activities and get engaged yourself as a Well Wisconsin champion with resources to help you build a culture of well-being at work.

Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything Book Club

Creating a happier and healthier life can be easy and fun! Encourage your employees to participate in a Well Wisconsin book club where they’ll read Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything by Dr. B.J. Fogg and meet weekly to discuss the reading. Share the promotional handout and encourage employees to sign up by May 31.

OutWiGo with Well Wisconsin at Lapham Peak

Well Wisconsin is encouraging folks to participate in OutWiGo with them at Lapham Peak during the Department of Natural Resources free fun weekend. Join for fun activities with your family and friends on June 1 between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Learn more about moving your own way for the Move for a Million Challenge with a 5K. Or take a mindfulness walk through the forest, bike a 6-mile family fun ride, and/or join in on slow flow outdoor yoga. There will also be a camp cooking demonstration. Share information with your employees and get registered.

Promote Upcoming Well Wisconsin Webinars and Bingo

New webinars continue to be released every month. Use this handout to help promote webinars such as “Men’s Health,” “The Great Carb Debate,” and “Improving Mental Health through Movement.” All webinars are available to anyone. Information on May and July events is also included in the handout.

Please note, there is also a Well-Being Bingo card available to help employees with kicking off their summer healthfully. The May 14 webinar “Explore Well WI Mental Health Resources” is a great way to learn more about some of the activities noted on the bingo card. If you can’t attend, the webinar will be recorded and available online afterwards.

Starting a Workplace Walk or Move Your Way Group

Attend the Well Wisconsin champion meeting virtually on June 11 at 11 a.m. and get tips for starting a walking/moving group at your worksite or virtually. Register here.

In Case You Missed It: Culture of Health Assessment and Quarter Two Champion Contest

Check out the April Employer News for more information on the Culture of Health Assessment available to all GHIP employers. Also, it’s not too late to get signed up for the quarter two champion contest. Congratulations to the first quarter contest winners, Department of Health Services and UW-Whitewater, for winning the well-being experience for their employees!

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