While stocks, or public equities, typically grab the headlines for their performance — especially in a negative-return environment — private equity investments have been growing in importance because of the diversification and solid returns this asset class can provide, even in down markets.
ETF submitted its biennial budget request to the Department of Administration in September, after review and endorsement by the ETF Board. The period covered is July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025. Here are a few highlights of our biennial budget request and next steps.
Gov. Tony Evers has appointed Trustee Barbara Nick as chair of the SWIB Board of Trustees to succeed Trustee David Stein. Evers also appointed Clyde Tinnen as the new vice chair, a position previously held by Trustee Nick.
The Group Insurance Board recently approved life insurance premium rates for all state and local government employees who participate in the State of Wisconsin Group Life Insurance Program. Find out how the rates, effective April 1, will affect you.
It’s a new year, and Well Wisconsin can help you live well in 2023! Check out this short video or review this handout to see how Well Wisconsin can help you get closer to fulfilling your health and wellness goals.
ETF has published its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for 2021. This report provides information about the WRS and other benefit programs administered by ETF, including the related financial statements and independent auditor’s report.
Pew Charitable Trusts cites the WRS as one of three public employee pension plans that has maintained high funded ratios at predictable costs over the past 20 years and conducts a wide-ranging Q&A-style interview with ETF Secretary John Voelker.
ETF, including all customer service phone lines, will be closed for business Monday, January 16, 2023, due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. observance. Regular Customer Service Call Center hours (see below) will resume on Tuesday, January 17.
Customer Service Call Center Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday