ETF's policy and practice at all levels assures the active and positive implementation of federal, state, local and departmental EEO/AA laws, executive orders, policies, plans, rules and regulations.
Fraud can include a variety of sham activities that result in your benefit funds being lost or stolen. It can include intentional deception or misrepresentation. This fraud takes a benefit meant for you, and directs that money to the wrong person or third party.
We value the diversity of those we serve, and we believe our greatest asset is our workforce.
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Request for Proposals for the State of Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from interested and qualified income continuation insurance providers that possess the resources and expertise to administer the Wisconsin Income Continuation Insurance Program (Program). Proposals from brokers will not be considered.
The State of Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds (Department) administers the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS), the group health insurance program for State Employees and many local governments, and a variety of other public employee benefit programs. The WRS is the 8th largest public pension fund in the nation and the Department’s largest program, providing retirement benefits for more than 641,000 current and former State and local government Employees on behalf of approximately 1,500 employers. WRS participants include public school teachers, current and former Employees of State agencies, and Employees of most local governments. The Department is overseen by independent governing boards and funds are held on behalf of the benefit program beneficiaries in the Public Employee Trust Fund created and regulated under Chapter 40 of the Wisconsin State Statutes.
The Income Continuation Insurance Program (Program) is a voluntary, self-insured, income replacement program available to all WRS-enrolled State Employees and Employees of all Wisconsin local government entities that resolve to participate in the Program. The Program is authorized by Wisconsin Statute §40.62 and is currently administered by The Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company. The Program offers both short-term and long-term benefits for Employees who develop disabilities that prevent them from working, either temporarily or permanently. At of the beginning of 2020, there were a total of 320 Employers participating in the Program with 60,119 insured Employees. The Program is funded solely by premiums paid by Employers and Employees and investment earnings. The Contractor has no role in investment of premiums. Program details can be found in the RFP.
The Department intends to use the results of this solicitation to award a Contract for the administration of the Program. The Contract will be administered and managed by the Department, with oversight by the State of Wisconsin Group Insurance Board (Board). This RFP document, its attachments, and the awarded Proposal will be incorporated into the Contract.
The Department expects the Contract to be executed by February 2021, after Contract negotiations have been successfully completed. The initial Contract term will commence on the date the Contract is executed by all parties thereto. Thereafter, unless earlier terminated, the term of the Contract shall continue for an initial term ending on December 31, 2026. The Board retains the option to renew the Contract for one additional two (2)-year term.
NOTE: The Contractor will assist the Department with Program implementation, transition, and member communication prior to the start of the 2022 benefit period. This implementation and transition period will begin after the Contract is executed and continue until implementation and transition is complete. The Contractor will begin providing Program benefits on January 1, 2022 (the start of the 2022 benefit period).
The RFP documents can be viewed at the links provided below. The RFP details the procedures proposers must follow to submit a proposal, and the minimum requirements that proposers must meet to be eligible for consideration.
Questions regarding the RFP may be submitted using the process indicated in the RFP, and must be sent via email to The deadline for receipt of vendor questions is Wednesday, July 8, 2020 by 2:00 p.m. central standard time. Late submissions will not be considered.
Proposals will only be accepted electronically. If a vendor intends to submit a proposal, RFP Form J-ETF SFTP Vendor Access Request must be submitted by Wednesday, August 12, 2020 by 2:00 p.m. central standard time.
The deadline for receipt of proposals for this solicitation is Wednesday, September 2, 2020 by 2:00 p.m. central standard time. Late submissions will not be considered.
This solicitation is authorized under Chapter 40 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. All decisions and actions regarding this solicitation are solely under the authority of the Board. Procurement statutes and rules that govern other State of Wisconsin agencies may not be applicable.
Any news releases or release of broadcast e-mails pertaining to this solicitation, any resulting contract(s), or the acceptance, rejection, or evaluation, or review of vendor proposals shall not be made without the prior written approval of the Department.
NOTE: All modifications and other information associated with the RFP will be posted on this web site. Interested vendors are encouraged to check this site for updates frequently. No other notification regarding modifications will be provided.
See retirement from a woman's perspective. Find out why retirement is different for women and the factors that put women at a disadvantage when it comes to planning and saving for retirement. A presentation by the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program.
Learn how saving and investing can impact your retirement and why you may want to participate in the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program. A presentation by the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program.
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