Brochure Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Death Benefits

Provided you did not close your WRS account by taking a separation benefit, your beneficiaries may be entitled to a benefit after your death.

Life Insurance Benefit Payout

A benefit may be paid during your lifetime or upon your death.  You or your beneficiary must make sure to follow the correct steps to receive your benefit.

Form Active Employee / Local Employer / State Employer

Evidence of Insurability

Employees who did not enroll for group life insurance coverage during their initial enrollment period, or insured employees who wish to apply for more insurance for themselves or their spouse or dependents, may apply using this form.

Form Local Employer / State Employer

New Employee Benefit Checklist

A tool for an employer to confirm information was presented to a new employee, due dates identified and appropriate information and forms supplied for all ETF-administered benefits offered by the employer.

Brochure Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Living Benefits

Living Benefits are the proceeds of your life insurance coverage under the Wisconsin Public Employers Group Life Insurance program that are paid to you while you are still living rather than to your beneficiaries after your death.