Employer News
Mar 19, 2024 8:00am

GIB Approves ICI Plan Language Changes

The state plan language was revised to move the effective date of annual premium rate changes from February 1 to April 1, beginning in 2025.

Employer News
Nov 10, 2023 8:00am

2024 Accident Plan Premiums Updated

Securian has reduced the Accident Plan “Individual and Child(ren)” and the “Family” premiums by $0.01 per month to make biweekly payroll deduction easier.

ICI Rate Tables

ICI Rate Tables, which are effective from February 1 to January 31 of the following year.

Brochure Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

Domestic Partner Benefits

As of Sept. 23, 2017, the State of Wisconsin no longer allows the establishment of new domestic partnerships under Chapter 40 of the Wisconsin statutes. This brochure provides information about the benefit changes for established domestic partnerships.