Active Employee / Retiree / Local Employer / State Employer

Employee Reimbursement Accounts Fact Sheet

The Employee Reimbursement Accounts (ERA) Program is an optional benefit that allows participants to use pre-tax dollars to pay for certain Internal Revenue Service-approved expenses.

Sep 10, 2024 1:00pm Event Open

Suicide Prevention

Join us on World Suicide Prevention Day as focus on changing the narrative on suicide and transforming how we perceive this complex issue. We’ll discuss how to shift from a culture of silence and stigma to one of openness, understanding and support. We’ll also examine warning signs of suicide that you can look for and highlight resources for help. Get your questions answered by a Well Wisconsin program benefits specialist.

Employer News
Aug 30, 2021 11:30am

ETF Awards Benefitfocus Insurance Administration System Contract

ETF has selected Benefitfocus as the new insurance administration system. Benefitfocus offers a single, cloud-based solution that personalizes the enrollment experience and streamlines benefits administration for more than 239,000 members.