Form Active Employee / Local Employer / State Employer

Health Care Provider Form

Complete this form using results from your most recent health care provider visit to earn credit for the 2021 Well Wisconsin Program. The form must be submitted by October 8, 2021.

Department News
May 24, 2024 8:30am
Graphic image representing insurance

GIB Sets 2025 Health Insurance Program Rates

(Updated June 18, 2024) The Group Insurance Board has set premium rates for 2025, while taking action to stabilize the reserve of the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program. The Board also approved health plan service areas for the 2025 plan year at its meeting yesterday.

My Statement of Benefits (WRS Account)

The Statement of Benefits is a summary of your WRS retirement account, available each year in mid-April. Find out why you should keep this statement handy, how to make corrections and how to request a duplicate.

Hand writing notes

Plan Designs Quick Comparison

Learn about the key differences between plan designs, such as how much you'll pay per month, how much you can expect to pay when you visit the doctor, and if you will have nationwide coverage.

Program Option
  • State Employee and Retiree Health Plan & Supplemental Benefits
Plan Year
  • 2024
WRS News Online for Employees
Jan 31, 2024 4:00pm Jan 2024 Edition
WDC logo

Deferred Compensation Fees Reduced for 2024

Effective Jan. 1, 2024, administrative fees paid by participants of the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program (WDC) will decrease by an average of 40% as recently approved by the Deferred Compensation Board.

State and Federal Notifications

Program Option
  • Local Annuitant Health Program (LAHP)
  • Local Deductible Health Plan (PO14) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local Deductible Health Plan with Uniform Dental (PO4) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local Health Plan (PO16) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local Health Plan with Uniform Dental (PO6) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local High Deductible Health Plan (PO17) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local High Deductible Health Plan with Uniform Dental (PO7) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local Traditional Health Plan (PO12) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local Traditional Health Plan with Uniform Dental (PO2) & Supplemental Benefits
  • State Employee and Retiree Health Plan & Supplemental Benefits

Required Minimum Distribution

Once you stop working for a Wisconsin Retirement System employer, federal law requires you to begin receiving your benefit payment(s) by a certain date, depending on your age. This is called a required minimum distribution (RMD).