A little girl getting a cleaning at the dentist

Dental Insurance

Choose from up to four dental plans to get the right coverage for you and/or your family. The dental plans offer coverage for services such as cleanings, exams, fillings, and orthodontia.

How to Sign Up for Benefits Mentor

Before you begin your Benefits Mentor experience you will need to register and verify your identity. Follow our instructions for helpful tips.

Program Option
  • State Employee and Retiree Health Plan & Supplemental Benefits
Woman selecting new eyeglasses with help of a doctor

Vision Insurance

Supplemental vision coverage provides annual eye exams and coverage allowances towards glasses or contact lenses for employees, retirees, and their covered dependents.

Statement of Incapacity

Some financial power of attorney documents require that the principal is incapacitated before the agent can act on their behalf.

What a Guardian Can Do

Each time a guardian makes a request on behalf of a member, ETF will review the Letters of Guardianship of the Estate. The request will be approved or denied based on the authority granted in the letters.