Employer News
Mar 15, 2023 7:00am

March 2023 Well Wisconsin Updates

Discover what’s coming up in Well Wisconsin and how you can help your employees engage in healthy activities.

Employer News
May 12, 2022 8:01am

June 2022 Well Wisconsin Resources Available

With summer right around the corner, Well Wisconsin is providing employers with the latest resources and activities to promote in June. Activities include the Five to Thrive fruit and veggies challenge, a cool crunch for those warm summer months, and the June inclusiveness calendar activities.

Flyer Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Transitioning Care with a New Health Plan

When changing health plans there are many things you have to consider. This handout will help you determine if you can keep your current health care providers with the new plan, if you will need to change providers and how to do so and what steps you should take if you are receiving complex care.

Department News
Feb 21, 2024 3:50pm

GIB Approves Benefit Changes for 2025

The Group Insurance Board today approved benefit changes for the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program for the 2025 plan year.

Employer News
Mar 16, 2022 8:00am

April 2022 Well Wisconsin Resources Available

The Invitational Challenge, Well Wisconsin Radio podcast and Kindness at Work resources are now available for employers participating in the Group Health Insurance Program.

Employer News
Jul 15, 2022 12:00pm

August 2022 Well Wisconsin Resources Available

Well Wisconsin wants to hear from employers! Please fill out the short survey to share your thoughts on the program and how we can help you. Ans see the latest resources to promote in August, including the Invitational Challenge – Round 2, new Well Wisconsin Radio episode, and Kindness at Work calendar

Department News
Aug 16, 2023 4:30pm

GIB Sets 2024 Health Insurance Program Rates

The GIB today voted to increase rates in 2024 to offset rising health benefit costs and to maintain reserve funds of the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program.

Brochure Active Employee / Retiree

Ombudsperson Services

The ETF ombudsperson staff attempts to resolve questions and issues on behalf of WRS members.

Employer News
Apr 14, 2022 8:00am

May 2022 Well Wisconsin Resources Available

In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness month, employers participating in the Group Health Insurance Program are encouraged to promote and share how the Well Wisconsin well-being activities, Well Wisconsin Radio and Kindness at Work can help with overall mental health and well-being. Please help reduce the stigma of mental health for your employees between now and the end of May.