Employer News
May 25, 2023 11:00am

GASB 75 Health Local Employers Report Fixed

ETF has identified and fixed an error on the GASB 75 Health Local Employers report that may have impacted some employees since 2020. The error affected employees who had multiple contracts created and/or ended in the same year that a health report was pulled.

Form Local Employer / State Employer

No Taxpayer Identification Number

A tool for an employer to confirm information was presented to a new employee, due dates identified and appropriate information and forms supplied for all ETF-administered benefits offered by the employer.

Employer News
Jan 10, 2023 8:00am

January 2023 Well Wisconsin Updates

Discover what’s included in the 2023 Well Wisconsin program, explore changes to the WebMD One portal, and delve into new resources for creating a culture of well-being across your worksite.