WRS News Online for Employees
Aug 28, 2023 8:00am Sept 2023 edition

Merfeld Appointed to Board of Trustees

Gov. Tony Evers has appointed Tom Merfeld to the SWIB Board of Trustees. Evers has also reappointed Trustees Jeff DeAngelis, public member, and Kristi Palmer, local government member, to six-year terms.

WRS News Online for Employees
Aug 28, 2023 8:00am Sept 2023 edition

ICI Program Changes for State and Local Employees

Review changes that will simplify the Income Continuation Insurance Program for state and local employees, effective in 2024. Coverage and benefits also have been expanded to employees aged 70 or older.

WRS News Online for Employees
Jan 31, 2024 5:00pm Jan 2024 Edition
ETF Secretary John Voelker

Secretary Voelker: Strength Through Resilience

It seemed like a normal Friday evening in May. It was a nice way to end a long week. Never would I have thought that during the night things would go from enjoyable to scary.

WRS News Online for Employees
Jan 23, 2023 8:00am Jan 2023 Edition

Secretary Voelker: The Value of Dependability

Some days I think the ideal of dependability is declining in our society. My view is likely skewed because I am in a position in which more than 663,000 individuals are counting on me to safeguard their retirement money. As a result, dependability is often the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about before bed.

A stack of coins to the left of a glass jar of coins with a growing plant coming out of it, next to an alarm clock and a small picture in the middle front with a couple holding hands and walking on the beach."

WRS Retirement Benefit

The WRS Retirement Benefit is a pension plan that is intended to provide you with a lifetime retirement payment. It offers a retirement benefit based on a defined contribution plan or a defined benefit plan.

Brochure Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Separation Benefits

A separation benefit is a one-time lump-sum payment consisting only of employee contributions, additional contributions (if applicable) and accumulated interest.

WRS News Online for Employees
Apr 25, 2023 8:00am May 2023 Edition

Legislative Update

In February Governor Evers released the 2023-2025 executive state budget, a proposal for how the state should manage expenses for the next two years. The proposed budget contains a few changes that affect the benefit programs administered by ETF.