Form Other Benefit Recipient

Notice of Death

Notify the third party administrator of the group life insurance program of a member death.

WRS News Online for Employees
May 1, 2024 5:00pm May 2024 Edition
ETF Budget and Management Director Tarna Hunter

Wisconsin Legislature Passes Bills Affecting ETF Benefit Administration

ETF Budget and Management Director Tarna Hunter recaps three bills passed by the State Senate and Assembly that affect ETF and the benefit programs it administers, after the Legislature concluded the 2023-2024 Regular Session in March 2024.

How an HDHP Works

High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) usually have lower monthly premiums than plans with lower deductibles. By using the untaxed funds in your Health Savings Account (HSA) to pay for expenses before you reach your deductible, you reduce your overall healthcare costs.

There are three types of expenses associated with an HDHP: deductible, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket limit. These may work differently than you expect if you haven't had an HDHP before.

Program Option
  • State Employee and Retiree Health Plan & Supplemental Benefits
Plan Year
  • 2024
WRS News Online for Employees
Jan 31, 2024 5:30pm Jan 2024 Edition
Cover page of Pew report

WRS Among Well-Funded Pensions in the U.S.

A recent report by The Pew Charitable Trusts identified key WRS practices that make the Badger State one of the “well-funded states with tools to manage risk,” highlighting how other states could learn from the Wisconsin experience.