An extended family taking a selfie.

Changes to Life Insurance Coverage

Events happen in life and can affect your coverage. Make sure you know when you lose your coverage and what steps to take to make sure you can keep it.

Life Insurance Benefit Payout

A benefit may be paid during your lifetime or upon your death.  You or your beneficiary must make sure to follow the correct steps to receive your benefit.

Types of Life Insurance

This program offers different types of coverage to meet your needs. How much you are covered is based on the number of units of coverage you buy.

What Your Agent Can Do

Your financial power of attorney document determines the scope of your agent's authority. You may give your agent the ability to make many changes to your WRS account or limit them to a few actions.

Form Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Authorization to Disclose Medical Information

This form gives ETF and entities that perform contracted services for ETF permission to release your designated medical information to a person or entity specified by you.

Form Active Employee / Local Employer / State Employer

Evidence of Insurability

Employees who did not enroll for group life insurance coverage during their initial enrollment period, or insured employees who wish to apply for more insurance for themselves or their spouse or dependents, may apply using this form.