Employer News
Dec 16, 2021 1:00pm

Social Security Wage Base Set to Increase for 2022

ETF provides updated Social Security and Medicare wage bases for 2022. This information applies to all WRS employers and all other public employers in Wisconsin that provide Social Security coverage for their employees under Wisconsin’s Section 218 Agreement. 

Employer News
Dec 20, 2022 8:00am

Social Security Wage Base Set to Increase for 2023

ETF provides updated Social Security and Medicare wage bases for 2023. This information applies to all WRS employers and all other public employers in Wisconsin that provide Social Security coverage for their employees under Wisconsin’s Section 218 Agreement. 

Employer News
Dec 21, 2023 8:00am

Social Security Wage Base Set to Increase for 2024

ETF provides updated Social Security and Medicare wage bases for 2024. This information applies to all WRS employers and all other public employers in Wisconsin that provide Social Security coverage for their employees under Wisconsin’s Section 218 Agreement. 

Employer Dissolves

Understand what happens when your employer dissolves and you become an inactive employee.

Form Local Employer / State Employer

Employer Attestation For Documentation Received

Employers, use this form to verify that you viewed the employee’s original required document(s) to verify the employee or dependent(s) is eligible for benefit coverage, as administered by ETF.

Appeal: Employment Category Change (Jailers)

The information pertains to an appeal by a number of employees working in county jails throughout the state (jailers) of Wisconsin. The appeal was based on their employer’s determination that they should be reported to the Wisconsin Retirement System as General Category employees instead of protective category employees with Social Security.