13 minutes
Coins, plant growing out of a coin jar, picture of couple walking on beach, and an alarm clock.

WRS Retirement Benefit Calculations

Have you requested a retirement estimate? Thinking about it? In this presentation we’ll discuss how we calculate your retirement benefit. Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.

11 minutes
Retired couple on a boat.

WRS Effective Rates and Annuity Adjustments

Each year you may see changes to the amount of your retirement payment. We’ll discuss why and how these changes happen. Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.

Statement of Incapacity

Some financial power of attorney documents require that the principal is incapacitated before the agent can act on their behalf.

10 minutes
Women and man carrying bikes on a hill.

How to Use ETF's Online Retirement Calculator

Curious about how much money you'll get during retirement? The retirement calculator lets you see how much money you may get in the future. Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.

13 minutes
Coins, a picture, a clock, and a plant growing out of a jar of coins

Understanding Your Annual WRS Statement of Benefits

Your annual statement of benefits shows you the current state of your WRS account. Not sure about something on your statement? Watch this video with your statement in hand. We’ll walk you through each section.

10 minutes
Clock, coins, jar, small plant, couple walking on the beach.

How Divorce Affects Your WRS Retirement Benefits for Non-annuitants

Did you know that divorce can affect your WRS retirement benefits? Learn how a domestic relations order can divide your WRS account between you and your ex-spouse. See how this may affect your other WRS benefits and what responsibilities you have to receive and maintain your benefits.

15 minutes
Retirement Planning for Women title slide.

Retirement Planning: An Action Plan for Women

See retirement from a woman's perspective. Find out why retirement is different for women and the factors that put women at a disadvantage when it comes to planning and saving for retirement. A presentation by the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program.

11 minutes
Alarm clock, coins, plant, and picture of couple walking on the beach.

Beneficiary Designations

Learn what happens to your WRS account when you pass away, how to designate a beneficiary and the importance of keeping your account up to date.

14 minutes
Retirees biking.

Choosing When to Retire

Did you know that when you retire you can change how much money you get in retirement? We'll also answer one of the most common questions we receive: "Should I retire in December or January?" Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.