Recognizing the people’s right to information about the government’s decision making process, the Department of Employee Trust Funds will, consistent with the state’s Public Records Law (Wis. Stat. §§ 19.31 to 19.39), provide information regarding ETF’s affairs, except for individual personal information restricted by statute.
The Public Records notice for records pertaining to the Employee Trust Funds board, Teachers Retirement Board, Wisconsin Retirement Board, Group Insurance Board and Deferred Compensation Board.
This program allows eligible, retired public safety officers to have medical, vision, dental and long-term care insurance premiums deducted directly from their WRS monthly annuity payments.
Active Employee /
Retiree /
Local Employer /
State Employer
ETF will, consistent with the state’s Public Records Law, provide information regarding ETF’s affairs, except for individual personal information restricted by statute.
Active Employee /
Local Employer /
State Employer
This brochure describes your group term life insurance protection and is your certificate of participation, give a valid enrollment form is on file with ETF and premiums are being paid.
Eligible, retired public safety officers receiving a Wisconsin Retirement System annuity may elect to have health and long-term care insurance premiums taken from their monthly WRS annuities.
Retired public safety officers may be able to exclude $3,000 from their taxes each year for health and long-term care insurance premiums. You must be an eligible public safety officer and have your premiums deducted from your monthly retirement payments.
The ICI Program is authorized by Wis. Stat. §§ 40.61 and 40.62, and is administered according to the plan provisions between the Group Insurance Board and the program’s third-party administrator.