13 minutes 33 minutes
Middle age couple with mountain bikes.

Preparing for Your Retirement

Planning to retire in the next 5 years? Learn about your steps to retire with the WRS. Watch this video at your leisure on demand 24/7.

25 minutes
Retirement Planning - An Action Plan title slide.

Retirement Planning: An Action Plan

In order to have some financial freedom during retirement, you need to create an action plan and stick to it. Learn how to prepare and be ready for expenses that you will have in retirement. A presentation by the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program.

11 minutes
Retired couple biking.

WRS Annuity Options

Not sure which WRS annuity option to choose? Make an informed decision by learning about all of the WRS annuity options along with the difference between a beneficiary and named survivor. Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.

55 minutes
Person stepping on a bridge of stones to cross water.

Your Steppingstones to Retirement

Learn how your Social Security, Wisconsin Retirement System pension, and WDC savings account bring you closer to a secure financial retirement. A presentation hosted by the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program.

Jul 10, 2024 11:00am Event Open

Preparing for Your Retirement

Planning to retire in the next 5 years? Learn about your steps to retire with the WRS. Get your questions answered by a benefits specialist.

Jul 25, 2024 6:00pm Event Open

Preparing for Your Retirement

Planning to retire in the next 5 years? Learn about your steps to retire with the WRS. Get your questions answered by a benefits specialist.