Join us to celebrate a year of success and growth! Overall Well Wisconsin participation numbers increased dramatically compared to 2020. Join us to learn more and how we’re continuing to evolve programming to meet your and your employees’ interests in 2022.

Special guest Marissa Kalkman, Executive Director of the Wellness Council of Wisconsin, will wrap up the afternoon with a great opportunity for you to learn more about competencies for well-being strategists (you!), or those who are supporting the implementation of our well-being initiatives across Wisconsin. You’ll have the opportunity to do a self-assessment to identify areas of strength and those for growth. You'll also be able to engage in meaningful conversation with your colleagues so we may all leave feeling empowered to continue making a positive impact for those we serve.

When: December 16, 2021
Time: 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Where: Click here to join the meeting 

Picture request!

Please send in pictures of something you did at your workplace to support employee well-being in the last year or something that you are doing personally to celebrate living well/happily. Additionally, we would love for you to finish this sentence for us:

My well-being win for 2021 is __________.  

Pictures and answers will be added to a comprehensive video to help wrap up a great year. Submit pictures and/or your well-being wins to Kristi Mulcahey at

Lastly, this year's virtual theme will be "favorite festive video background." Have some fun and upload your favorite festive video background and join us on camera during the event. We look forward to "seeing" you and maybe even a festive leg lamp in the background. 

December Newsletter and Employer-Sponsored Activity

Access the December employer newsletter to get information on the upcoming participant communication schedule and Gratitude Challenge. Please share the Challenge broadly.