Schedule your 2023 health screening and help promote the Wellness at Your Side app.

Scheduling 2023 Well Wisconsin Health Screenings Now

Employers interested in hosting an onsite biometric health screening in 2023 can now submit their requests through WebMD. Screening dates are available February 2–October 6, 2023. Review this guide for more information on scheduling an event. Submit your event request via this link

Wellness at Your Side App

Did you know that Well Wisconsin is available on the go? Share this handout with your employees to help spread the word about the Wellness at Your Side app. The connection code is SOWI. 

Employer Support through Well Wisconsin

The WebMD program management team creates resources throughout the year to help you promote the Well Wisconsin program. They can also help with additional well-being programming that you’re working on. To learn more, connect with WebMD’s Kristi or Renee at Watch for updates coming from their WebMD email in the future and consider adding it to your contacts list.