Well Wisconsin Incentive Deadline: October 13

Earning the incentive is easy, but managing health may not be. That’s why Well Wisconsin is here to help. The October 13 incentive deadline is approaching quickly. This new Well Wisconsin video highlights the overall program benefits of participating and how you can get help reaching your health and well-being goals while earning $150.

You can also try your hand with Well Wisconsin Trivia.

Have a Voice in Your Care Webinar

Did you miss the webinar on advance care planning? No worries—watch the recording anytime! Find it, along with other great resources to help you complete your advance directives, on the new Advance Care Planning webpage. Doing so will ensure you receive medical care that is consistent with your values, goals, and preferences during serious and chronic illness. Everyone over the age of 18 should complete advance directives.

Stay Healthy, Get Your Flu Vaccine

Getting your flu vaccine is safe, effective at preventing or minimizing the impact of the flu, and doesn’t cost you anything. You can go to any in-network doctor’s office or pharmacy. Employees and spouses enrolled in the Group Health Insurance Program can register for a Well Wisconsin flu clinic at webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin. Upcoming clinic sites include the Monona Terrace and Hill Farms State Office building.

Customer Service

If you have questions about accessing the Well Wisconsin portal, completing activities, or earning your incentive, or need assistance with interpretation services, please reach out to the WebMD customer service team at 1-800-821-6591.