Number Title Description Audience
ET-1170 Sick Leave Conversion Program Employer Manual

This manual is a reference source intended to aid employer administration of the Accumulated Sick Leave Credit Conversion Program.

State Employer
ET-1301 Employer Resolution to Pay Entire Premium

Resolution for employers to pay the entire group life insurance premium for the employees.

Local Employer, State Employer
ET-1303 Resolution for Inclusion Under Group Life Insurance

Resolution for employers to join the group life insurance program.

Local Employer, State Employer
ET-1311 Resolution to Increase Prior Creditable Service

Employer resolution to increase prior creditable service for each employee who was participating on the effective date of the original resolution.

Local Employer, State Employer
ET-1313 Designation of Agent

Employers, complete to designate an employee as the agent representing the employer in matters pertaining to the programs administered by the Department of Employee Trust Funds.

Local Employer, State Employer
ET-1318 Resolution to Withdraw from the Wisconsin Public Employer’s Group Health Insurance Program

A resolution for the employer to withdraw from the Wisconsin Public Employers Group Health Insurance program.

Local Employer
ET-1319 Resolution of Inclusion Under the Wisconsin Retirement System

Resolution for employers to join the Wisconsin Retirement System.

Local Employer, State Employer
ET-1321 Prior Service Cost Study Employees Eligible for WRS

Employers can complete to determine the cost to purchase prior service for employees.

Local Employer, State Employer
ET-1324 Resolution for Inclusion Under the Wisconsin Public Employers’ Group Health Insurance Program

Resolution for employers to join the WPE Group Health Insurance Program.

Local Employer
ET-1325 Resolution for Inclusion Under the Wisconsin Public Employers’ Group Health Insurance Program-with a request to retain a second group health plan

Resolution for employers to join the WPE Group Health Insurance Program with a request to retain a second group health plan.

Local Employer