Report Active Employee / Retiree / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

Duty Disability Program Actuarial Valuation 2016

This report presents the results of the annual actuarial valuation of benefit liabilities and costs of the Duty Disability Program as of January 1, 2017.

Apr 25, 2023 8:00am Newsletter Retiree

WRS News for Retirees May 2023

ETF Announces WRS Annuity Adjustments; Legislative Update; Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program Updates; Finding the Best Ideas for the Long-Term Success of the WRS; and more.

Who Can Be a Named Survivor?

A named survivor is someone you choose to receive a benefit. Find out more about who you can choose to be your named survivor.

Employer News
Apr 4, 2024 9:00am
Statement on computer image

2024 WRS Annual Statement of Benefits Coming Soon

The WRS Annual Statement of Benefits will soon be delivered to active employees with WRS contribution balances as of December 31, 2022. Note: All active employees will receive their statement in the mail.

Form Active Employee

Retirement Estimate Request

Complete to request a retirement estimate once you are within 12 months of your anticipated termination date.

WRS News Online for Employees
Jan 31, 2024 4:00pm Jan 2024 Edition
Senior South Asian couple doing home finance and checking bills with laptop, calculator and money while sitting at home

How to Protect Your WDC Online Account from Cybercrime

It might seem counterintuitive, but registering your WDC account online can reduce the chance that cybercriminals will be able to gain access to it. Take proactive steps to protect your account.

Report Active Employee / Retiree / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

Duty Disability Program Actuarial Valuation 2020

This report presents the results of the annual actuarial valuation of benefit liabilities and costs of the Duty Disability Program as of December 31, 2020.