Department News
Apr 7, 2023 8:00am

Statement of Benefits Distribution Under Way

ETF has started distributing the WRS Annual Statement of Benefits to members. The statement is a non-retired members' once-a-year summary of their retirement account information.

The image from the cover of the additional contributions brochure:  overlooking a field and trees into a setting sunset on the horizon.

Additional Contributions

You can put extra money into your WRS account so you have more income for retirement. Learn about the three ways you can make additional contributions.

WRS News Online for Employees
Apr 25, 2023 8:00am May 2023 Edition

Considering a Separation Benefit? Consider the Consequences

A common question we receive from members this time of year centers on WRS separation benefits. This type of benefit is a one-time, lump-sum payment of employee-required contributions, additional contributions (if made), and accumulated earned interest. Understand the pros and cons.