Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

Cost Effective Measurement Report

A report that compares existing pension performance and administration against other pension plans.

Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

WRS Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis 2012

This report presents the results of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis as of December 31, 2012.

Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

WRS Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis 2013

This report presents the results of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis as of December 31, 2013.

Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

WRS Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis 2016

This report presents the results of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis as of December 31, 2016.

Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

WRS Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis 2015

This report presents the results of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis as of December 31, 2015.

Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

WRS Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis 2014

This report presents the results of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis as of December 31, 2014.

Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA)

Only available to participants enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP).

A Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA) is a pre-tax benefit used to pay for eligible dental, vision care, and post-deductible medical expenses. You may use these funds to pay for eligible expenses incurred by you, your spouse, and your qualified dependents.

Plan Year
  • 2025
Program Option
  • State Employee and Retiree Health Plan & Supplemental Benefits
Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

WRS Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis 2018

This report presents the results of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis as of December 31, 2018.

Brochure Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

How Divorce Can Affect Your WRS Benefits

Information on how a divorce may affect WRS benefits, beneficiary designations as well as information for the alternate payee.