14 minutes
Retiree couple on a boat.

How Divorce Affects Your WRS Retirement Benefits for Annuitants

Did you know that divorce can affect your annuity payment? Learn how a domestic relations order can divide your WRS annuity between you and your ex-spouse. See how this may affect your other WRS benefits and what responsibilities you have to receive and maintain your benefits.

10 minutes
Clock, coins, jar, small plant, couple walking on the beach.

How Divorce Affects Your WRS Retirement Benefits for Non-annuitants

Did you know that divorce can affect your WRS retirement benefits? Learn how a domestic relations order can divide your WRS account between you and your ex-spouse. See how this may affect your other WRS benefits and what responsibilities you have to receive and maintain your benefits.

A corner of a calculator sitting on a graph with an axis of numbers starting at 25 working up to 55, with a pen and white paperclip.

When Can I Retire?

Learn how your age at retirement may affect when you may retire and the amount of your benefit. Includes information about how your employment category and years of service affects your retirement age.

2 minutes
Screenshot from video of women reading Statement of Benefits in home office.

Your Annual Statement of Benefits

Your WRS Annual Statement of Benefits is your official confirmation from ETF that provides details about your Wisconsin Retirement System account balances. Find out when you receive this important document and why you should keep it in a safe place for future reference.

Employer News
Nov 30, 2022 8:00am

2022 Annual Reconciliation

This information is to help employers prepare for the 2022 reconciliation process. Annual reconciliation is a time-sensitive project. Your assistance is required to ensure that your employees’ WRS Annual Statements of Benefits are accurate and complete.

Biking Couple

Applying for Retirement

Deciding to retire may be the hardest part of the entire process. ETF can help you master the next steps so that you make decisions that are right for you. Use the resources available on this page to help you through the process.

17 minutes
Wisconsin Retirement System topic pic.

WRS Benefits for New and Mid-Career Employees

Are you a new employee or someone who still has at least 5 years to go before you can retire? It's never too early to start planning for a secure retirement. Learn how to maximize your WRS benefits. Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.