Flyer Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

Hill Farms 1st Meeting Rooms-Map Only

A map of the first floor of the Hill Farms building labeled with room numbers and an arrow to the main entrance lobby.

A woman kayaking with a man also kayaking behind her on her right.


Whether you are a new employee learning about your WRS retirement benefits, a member planning to retire or a retiree, we have the information you need to have a successful retirement.

Man sitting in therapy session

Mental Health Resources

Mental health is just as important as physical health when it comes to your overall well-being. Learn about mental health resources available through the Group Health Insurance Program and Employee Assistance Programs.

May 1, 2024 3:00pm Newsletter Retiree

WRS News for Retirees May 2024

Cover feature: A Closer Look at WRS Retirees' Impact in Wisconsin's Communities and Economy

Medical technology

Benefits Mentor

Benefits Mentor is the interactive benefits counselor for active state employees and non-Medicare retirees. Powered by ETF’s secure data warehouse, Benefits Mentor will use your claims information (if available) as a basis for personalized plan design recommendations.

Program Option
  • State Employee and Retiree Health Plan & Supplemental Benefits

Steps to Choosing Your Benefits

Not sure where to start? This page is a step-by-step guide to choosing your benefits.

Plan Year
  • 2024
Program Option
  • State Employee and Retiree Health Plan & Supplemental Benefits
Flyer Retiree

Visiting ETF

Getting from the parking ramp to your appointment.

Manual Other Benefit Recipient

Long-Term Care Insurance Standards

This document, “Long-Term Care Insurance Standards,” serves as a resource for insurers interested in offering state employees and retirees long-term care insurance (LTCI).