Wisconsin Strong Partners

Information about the Wisconsin Strong partners who collaborated in the Wisconsin Strong: Your Financial Security™ program coordinated by the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds.

My Info

Use the resources on this page to complete a task or take action for your retirement, health and other benefits.

Brochure Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Living Benefits

Living Benefits are the proceeds of your life insurance coverage under the Wisconsin Public Employers Group Life Insurance program that are paid to you while you are still living rather than to your beneficiaries after your death.

Board Member

ETF - Attached Boards Public Records Notice

The Public Records notice for records pertaining to the Employee Trust Funds board, Teachers Retirement Board, Wisconsin Retirement Board, Group Insurance Board and Deferred Compensation Board.

Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

WRS Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis 2020

This report presents the results of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis as of December 31, 2020.

Jul 18, 2023 2:00pm Report Active Employee / Other Benefit Recipient

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2021

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report of the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds for the year ended December 31, 2021 provides comprehensive information about ETF, the Wisconsin Retirement System, and other benefit programs administered by ETF.

Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

WRS Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis 2017

This report presents the results of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis as of December 31, 2017.