Brochure Active Employee / Retiree

Wisconsin Retirement System Early Retirements

This paper provides comparative data on rates of early retirement among WRS members. Early retirement from the WRS is when a member retires within the window between their minimum retirement age and their statutory normal retirement date.

Notice of Privacy Practices

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. The privacy of your information is important to us. Please review it carefully.

Notice of Privacy Practices

Program Option
  • Local Deductible Health Plan (PO14) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local Deductible Health Plan with Uniform Dental (PO4) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local Health Plan (PO16) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local Health Plan with Uniform Dental (PO6) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local High Deductible Health Plan (PO17) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local High Deductible Health Plan with Uniform Dental (PO7) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local Traditional Health Plan (PO12) & Supplemental Benefits
  • Local Traditional Health Plan with Uniform Dental (PO2) & Supplemental Benefits
  • State Employee and Retiree Health Plan & Supplemental Benefits

Appeal: Employment Category Change (Jailers)

The information pertains to an appeal by a number of employees working in county jails throughout the state (jailers) of Wisconsin. The appeal was based on their employer’s determination that they should be reported to the Wisconsin Retirement System as General Category employees instead of protective category employees with Social Security.

Group Insurance Board

2021 SB 1036

Classifying county jailers as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin Retirement System and the treatment of county jailers under the Municipal Employment Relations Act. (FE)