Employer News
May 12, 2023 12:00pm

May 2023 Well Wisconsin Updates

Let your employees know that Well Wisconsin is available on the go with the mobile app, and health coaches are here to support them in reaching their health goals.

Form Local Employer / State Employer

Employer Attestation For Documentation Received

Employers, use this form to verify that you viewed the employee’s original required document(s) to verify the employee or dependent(s) is eligible for benefit coverage, as administered by ETF.

HSA Eligible Expenses

An eligible expense is a health care service, treatment, or item the IRS states can be paid for without taxes. Eligible expenses can be incurred by you, your spouse, or qualified dependents. The Health Savings Account (HSA) can only be used to pay for eligible medical expenses incurred after your HSA was established.

Program Option
  • State Employee and Retiree Health Plan & Supplemental Benefits
Plan Year
  • 2024

What Your Agent Can Do

Your financial power of attorney document determines the scope of your agent's authority. You may give your agent the ability to make many changes to your WRS account or limit them to a few actions.

Employer News
Jul 15, 2022 12:00pm

August 2022 Well Wisconsin Resources Available

Well Wisconsin wants to hear from employers! Please fill out the short survey to share your thoughts on the program and how we can help you. Ans see the latest resources to promote in August, including the Invitational Challenge – Round 2, new Well Wisconsin Radio episode, and Kindness at Work calendar

Active Employee / Retiree / Local Employer / State Employer

Pharmacy Benefits Program Fact Sheet

The State of Wisconsin Group Insurance Board contracts with a Pharmacy Benefit Manager to provide administrative services to State of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Public Employer group health insurance program participants.

May 1, 2024 3:00pm Newsletter Retiree

WRS News for Retirees May 2024

Cover feature: A Closer Look at WRS Retirees' Impact in Wisconsin's Communities and Economy

Form Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Statement of Incapacity for Finances and Property

Form for the member’s physician to complete if the member cannot manage property, finances or business affairs because of an impairment in the ability to receive and evaluate information or make or communicate decisions even with the use of technological assistance.