Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

WRS Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis 2023

This report presents the results of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Annual Actuarial Valuation and Gain/Loss Analysis as of December 31, 2023.

Disclaimer of Liability

Neither the state of Wisconsin, the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF), nor any of its programs nor any of its employees, shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of, or inability to use, the information described and/or contained herein.

New Health Plan Application Information and Resources

The State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program (GHIP) provides uniform health benefits to both state agencies and local government entities. Nearly a dozen health plans participate in the GHIP providing coverage to nearly one-quarter million lives.

This page contains information for health plans interested in joining the GHIP. All health plans must apply to join the program. Here you will find access the application, additional resources, and more information on the application process.

Department News
Jan 11, 2023 8:30am
Wisconsin silhouette in money

WRS in the Spotlight for Pension Plan Stability and Sustainability

Pew Charitable Trusts cites the WRS as one of three public employee pension plans that has maintained high funded ratios at predictable costs over the past 20 years and conducts a wide-ranging Q&A-style interview with ETF Secretary John Voelker.