Active Employee / Retiree / Local Employer / State Employer

Group Life Insurance Fact Sheet

The Wisconsin Public Employers Group Life Insurance Program is a benefit provided under the WRS and is available to employees of the State of Wisconsin and employees of participating Wisconsin local government employers.

Employer News
Jun 20, 2024 9:00am

ETF Updates GASB Links

The direct links to the online GASB 67/68 and GASB 74/75 on the ETF website are changing due to an application update. If you offer any direct links in your materials, such as your intranet site, please update your links.

Employer News
Aug 30, 2021 11:30am

ETF Awards Benefitfocus Insurance Administration System Contract

ETF has selected Benefitfocus as the new insurance administration system. Benefitfocus offers a single, cloud-based solution that personalizes the enrollment experience and streamlines benefits administration for more than 239,000 members.