Jul 31, 2024 1:00pm Event Open

WRS Benefits: For New and Mid-Career Employees

Are you a new employee or someone who still has at least 5 years to go before you can retire? ? It's never too early to start planning for a secure retirement. Learn how to maximize your WRS benefits. Get your questions answered by a benefits specialist.

WRS News Online for Employees
Jan 31, 2024 4:00pm Jan 2024 Edition
Senior South Asian couple doing home finance and checking bills with laptop, calculator and money while sitting at home

How to Protect Your WDC Online Account from Cybercrime

It might seem counterintuitive, but registering your WDC account online can reduce the chance that cybercriminals will be able to gain access to it. Take proactive steps to protect your account.

WRS News Online for Employees
Jan 31, 2024 5:30pm Jan 2024 Edition
Colorful artwork depicting bar chart and growth

Effective Rates of Interest Projected to Increase in 2024

Based on positive preliminary figures of 2023 investment performance, ETF projects that employees’ effective rates of interest will increase for both Core and Variable Funds this year.

My Statement of Benefits (WRS Account)

The Statement of Benefits is a summary of your WRS retirement account, available each year in mid-April. Find out why you should keep this statement handy, how to make corrections and how to request a duplicate.

13 minutes 33 minutes
Middle age couple with mountain bikes.

Preparing for Your Retirement

Planning to retire in the next 5 years? Learn about your steps to retire with the WRS. Watch this video at your leisure on demand 24/7.

An extended family taking a selfie.

Life Insurance

The program offers term life insurance coverage up to 5 times your yearly pay for State of Wisconsin employees and local government employees whose employer offers the plan. An employee may also insure their spouse and dependent children.

Report Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

Cost Effective Measurement Report

A report that compares existing pension performance and administration against other pension plans.