An ETF staff member leading a group appointment with a presentation screen to their back.

Member Education

Find out about ETF educational opportunities. Choose from videos, face-to-face events and webinars.

ETF Awards

A list of awards received by the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds with links to the accompanying news articles.

WRS News Online for Employees
Aug 28, 2023 8:00am Sept 2023 edition

New! Power of Attorney and Guardianship Resources

ETF has new web pages on financial power of attorney documents and guardianship orders. You'll find information and resources on these important topics and how they pertain to WRS benefits.

Report Fraud and Abuse

ETF has contracted with Ethical Advocate, an independent, third party administrator, to manage the anonymous and confidential reporting of fraud, abuse and other unethical actions. You can report an incident to the Ethical Advocate Hotline any time, by phone or secure online portal.

Types of Life Insurance

This program offers different types of coverage to meet your needs. How much you are covered is based on the number of units of coverage you buy.