Planning and preparation are essential for a successful retirement. This page has a list of things you can do to help ensure a smooth changeover to retirement.
Each year you may see changes to the amount of your retirement payment. We’ll discuss why and how these changes happen. Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.
The direct links to the online GASB 67/68 and GASB 74/75 on the ETF website are changing due to an application update. If you offer any direct links in your materials, such as your intranet site, please update your links.
This report presents the results of the annual actuarial valuation of benefit liabilities and costs of the State Income Continuation Insurance Plan as of December 31, 2017.
Register for the popular "Your Steppingstones to Retirement" webinar on November 15 or watch the recorded session any time. Check out the financial wellness educational materials and tools on the WDC website, as well as general updates for WDC participants.
Active Employee /
Retiree /
Board Member /
Local Employer /
State Employer
This report presents the results of the annual actuarial valuation of benefit liabilities and costs of the Long-Term Disability Insurance Plan (LTDI) as of December 31, 2014.
Jun 30, 2012 8:00am Report
Active Employee /
Retiree /
Other Benefit Recipient /
Board Member /
Local Employer /
State Employer