
A guardian is appointed by a court when a person is unable to make or communicate medical decisions, financial decisions, or both. Learn how Letters of Guardianship can impact a WRS account.

A hand on a a walking stick.

Disability Benefits

If you become disabled while working for a WRS employer, you may be eligible to receive WRS disability benefits that will give you income for the time you are unable to return to work.

Form Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Appeal Form

Submit this completed form to ETF to appeal a determination regarding your ETF-administered benefit(s).

An ombudsperson sitting at a desk with a member going over information.

Benefits Dispute

Learn how to address a benefits dispute and how Ombudspersons Services can help.

Active Employee / Retiree / Local Employer / State Employer

Income Continuation Insurance-State Fact Sheet

Income Continuation Insurance (ICI) is an optional insurance that provides replacement income for disabilities that are considered short-term in nature, as well as those which may last for extended periods.

What Your Agent Can Do

Your financial power of attorney document determines the scope of your agent's authority. You may give your agent the ability to make many changes to your WRS account or limit them to a few actions.

Brochure Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Administrative Appeal Process

This brochure is designed to assist you in understanding the administrative appeals process as it relates to ETF. It is not intended to substitute for the legal advice or assistance of an attorney.