Flyer Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient / Board Member / Local Employer / State Employer

Hill Farms 1st Meeting Rooms-Map Only

A map of the first floor of the Hill Farms building labeled with room numbers and an arrow to the main entrance lobby.

Form Active Employee / Retiree

ETF Insurance Complaint Form

If you filed a grievance with the plan or benefit administrator and are dissatisfied with the final decision, you can request an administrative review from ETF.

An extended family taking a selfie.

Changes to Life Insurance Coverage

Events happen in life and can affect your coverage. Make sure you know when you lose your coverage and what steps to take to make sure you can keep it.

Active Employee / Retiree / Local Employer / State Employer

Group Life Insurance Fact Sheet

The Wisconsin Public Employers Group Life Insurance Program is a benefit provided under the WRS and is available to employees of the State of Wisconsin and employees of participating Wisconsin local government employers.