Please see the following employer administrative fees for the 2022 plan year: 

The Employee Reimbursement Accounts (ERA) employer administrative fee is $1.43 per health insurance contract per month for the 2022 benefit year. This is an increase of $1.43 from 2021. The 2021 plan year did not charge an ERA administrative fee due to anticipated forfeiture amounts from the 2020 plan year because of the pandemic. However, carryover limits were increased for the Flexible Spending Accounts and Dependent Day Care Accounts in 2020, resulting in less forfeitures than anticipated. 

The Health Savings Account (HSA) employer administrative fee is $0.25 per health insurance contract per month for the 2022 benefit year. This is a decrease of $0.02 from 2021. 

Please contact Xiong Vang, the Department of Employee Trust Funds HSA & ERA Accounts Program Manager with questions at