Discover new mental health and Well Wisconsin resources to share with your employees. 

New! ETF Mental Health Web Page

May is Mental Health Awareness month. As you plan for ways to raise awareness about mental health, please see ETF’s new Mental Health Resources. You can link to this web page in your employee-facing communications. This page provides information on mental health resources available through the Group Health Insurance Program and Employee Assistance Programs. Together, we can reduce stigma and help employees better manage their mental health. 

Well-Being Activities

Did you know that about 5,000 Well Wisconsin participants completed the health assessment in 2022, but did not complete the well-being activity? Help us communicate all the great options available for employees to reach their goals and their $150 prepaid card. There are a variety of well-being activity options available for employees to choose. They can complete the upcoming Invitational Teams Steps Challenge beginning April 19, listen to Well Wisconsin Radio podcasts, check out health coaching, complete employer-sponsored activities, and more. 

Employer-Sponsored Activities

Are you or your wellness committees planning any team building or well-being activities? Consider awarding well-being activity credit for these activities so your employees can be rewarded for joining in. 

Some employers offer book clubs, yoga/fitness classes, mindfulness activities, wellness challenges, and health education sessions/training. Learn more about employer-sponsored activities or consider implementing one of the toolkits available. You can also request onsite or virtual health education presentations for your employees. 

Contact with questions. 

Customer Service

If your employees have questions about accessing the portal, completing activities or the status of earning their incentive, or need assistance with interpretation services, please have them reach out to the WebMD customer service team at 1-800-821-6591.