Employer News
Feb 26, 2024 10:00am

2024 Preparing for Your Retirement Webinars to Share With Employees

Please share this message with your employees to provide time and registration links to the Preparing for Your Retirement webinars. These free one-hour evening presentations are designed for WRS members who are within five years of retirement.

Employer News
Feb 16, 2023 10:00am

2023 Preparing for Your Retirement Webinars to Share With Employees

Please share this message with your employees to provide time and registration links to the Preparing for Your Retirement webinars. The free two-hour evening presentations are designed for WRS members who are within ten years of retirement.

A woman kayaking with a man also kayaking behind her on her right.


Whether you are a new employee learning about your WRS retirement benefits, a member planning to retire or a retiree, we have the information you need to have a successful retirement.

WRS News Online for Employees
Jan 31, 2024 5:00pm Jan 2024 Edition
ETF Secretary John Voelker

Secretary Voelker: Strength Through Resilience

It seemed like a normal Friday evening in May. It was a nice way to end a long week. Never would I have thought that during the night things would go from enjoyable to scary.

A stack of coins to the left of a glass jar of coins with a growing plant coming out of it, next to an alarm clock and a small picture in the middle front with a couple holding hands and walking on the beach."

WRS Retirement Benefit

The WRS Retirement Benefit is a pension plan that is intended to provide you with a lifetime retirement payment. It offers a retirement benefit based on a defined contribution plan or a defined benefit plan.

Brochure Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Separation Benefits

A separation benefit is a one-time lump-sum payment consisting only of employee contributions, additional contributions (if applicable) and accumulated interest.